JeremyFoo .

Saturday, July 22, 2006

. D . R . I . F . T .

aT sEntOsa tOdaE!!

sHioK lA toDAy wEnT wIt Jia Jun, Nicholas Yang, Carradine, Ah Chai n Joel

wE wEnT dErE fiRsT thIng wAs tO wAtCh dRifT LiaO siA!!.....dEn wE sAw loTs oF cArs siA gOt Mazda RX 7 n Mazda 8, Toyota AE86 aLL different colours sia like got 6 colours, Nissan Silvia S13 n S15, Evo 6, 7, 8, Fairlady, Toyota Supra, aLot oF cArs tiL blUr liAo la sO loNg i sAw mY dReAm caRs!!!!! cAn liaO la!!!!

dEn hOr wE wEnt tO sEe tHe dRiFt dEmo aGaIn dEn wE sAw tOy cAr dRifT cOOL siA!!!! dEn wHen wE sAW thOse reAl cOol tuRbo cArs dRifT hoR oNe cAr fRonT buMpEr cRashEd siA!!!! haha LOL bUt sTiLL cOntiNued dRifTinG!!! wOoooooooO

dEn Jia Jun, Joel n Me wEnt tO boUghT HOT STUFF magazine dEn wE wEnT tO tAke gooDies dEn hoR thE gooDies gOt a ShirT n A caP!!!! dEn wE wENT hOmE....aCtuAlly i wAntEd tO sTay tIL thE fAsT n tHe fUriOs sHoW dE dEn thEy sAy gO hOme dEn bO biAn wAh sAd!!!! ): buT nVm gOt sHirT!!!! hAhA xP!!

wheN wE rEacHed Yishun wE wENT KFC tO eAt dEn wEnT tO 437 baSkEtbaLL cOurT plAy bAskEtbAll wIt JeAns loR wE aLL!!!! hahA yEa!!!

Fun today!!! tkS Jia Jun!!!!!

eDitEd tIme: 11:45pm

daTe: 22-07-2006

Thursday, July 20, 2006

wAh todaE aLL thE pAi kIa iN mY cLaSs 2D aLL dIdn'T cAmE tO sChooL sHioK siA!! dEn tHe clAss moRe eNjoYable wIthOuT thEM!! moRninG i WenT tO sChoOl sIan SiAn oNe cOz sInG nAtioNaL sOnG n sChooL sOnG......buT......aFtEr tAt i wEnT tO clAss oSo siAN sIan oNe thE wHolE clAss StAnDinG uP dEn i siTtINg dOwn uNtIL My ClAsS fOrm teAcHeR cAlleD n iNviTed Me tO sTaNd sIa!!........dEn wE plAyEd moNopOlY iN clAsS stArtIng i THoughT siAN oNE dEn i sLoWlY slOwLy plAy dEn sLowLy slOwlY hAvE fUn loR.....dEn uNtiL 9:30am wE sToppEd thE gaMe n wEnt fOr mUsIc lEsSoN.....mY cLAss plAyEd [cOm-pAnG] bUt nOt i PlAy lAhh coz nO inTerEst lEhh dEn aFteR mUsIc lEsSon wE wENT fOr rEceSs!!........i Ate HoR fUn loR......dEn i wEnT tO ThE hAll wAIT foR tEaChEr tO cAll uS thE lOwER sEc tO sEttLe dOwn loR....they shOweD uS sOmE eVenT aBt RaciAl hArmoNy.....dEn thE tImE wAs 11:45am wE wEnt bAck tO clAss tO haVe lEssOn wE hAd a 10 mins Science Lesson.....afTEr tAt wE hAd enGliSh whIch waS oNlY a PerIod oF tiME hAlf aN hOuR loR dEn aFtEr sChooL Le i sIAn sIaN i oNe pErsOn wEnT tO thE canTeeN tO siT doWn dUnnO Do wAd siA.....dEn wHeN i gOinG bAck hOme tAT tiMe i sAw Su Kheng wEaRinG a Japanese cUstOme VeRy cUte sIa dEn sHe tIeD hEr hAIr pAttErnS siA sAmE as Evon bUt nOt cArOl dEn i fOllOw tHem lOr coZ nTinG tO dO.....dEn wE WenT tO bUy buBBlE teA cOz Kheng wanT mA.....dEn i oSo bUy loR sHe bOuGhT cHocOlaTe Ice Blend sO i osO bOughT iT loR..bUt dEn aCtuAlly i wAntEd tO pAy fOr hEr dE dEn i pAi sEh hAhAxx...dEn sHe oSo boughT shArk Fin sOup baHH wiT Evon dEn cAroL dUnnnO bOuGHT wAd lEh saMe aS Evon dE.....dEn wE sAt dOwn oN thE tAblE tO dRinK n eAt loR.....afTeR eAtiNg i BrOugHt EvOn n KhEnG hOme loR....kHenG wEnT tO EvOn hOusE loR.....
dEn i oNe peRsOn wAlkeD bAcKeD hOmE!!..........


eDiTed tImE: 2:47pm

Saturday, July 15, 2006

tOdAy iS thE 15 of July, i JeReMy dIdn'T wEnT cHurCh.......y LeH i oSo dUnCh noE......nOw i noE bEinG aT hOmE iS sO boRinG!!.........hAiZ...........wOnDeR wHo wEnT tO chUrcH tOdAe sIa..........wHo wEnT??? AnyoNe wEnT dErE wHoM i noE...???? hAisHhhh ToMoLo gOinG chUrCh oSo woNdErinG wHo iS gOinG bEsiDes ThOsE rEguLaR.....iF kHeNg n eVoN dId wEnT To chUrCh dEn i pAnG sEh tHeM wAh fEElinG bAd!!......): sO sOrrY gUys i dId noT tuRn uP tOdAe........miSs cHuRch sO muCh!!.......aRhhhhhGgggg!! mUz ToK oN thE fOne toDaE!! aSk ppL wHo wEnT tO chURcH!!........i JErEmy FoO muZ ATtEnd chUrCh aRh!! i Miss You aLL!!

eDiTeD bY: JeReMy

tiMe iS 6:30pm