yTd wEnt bAck tO hoGc!......oN October 21 thE sAturdAy.......quIte fun!!!................enJoyEd thE toK wiTh Pastor How in sErviCe!!! dEn i wAs sHocKEd buT niCe n Fun!!!...............dEn iN sErviCe stiLL goRt thE lAughing n EnjoymenT iN iT!!!....................nice lArhs...........nEx wEek stiLL goIn bAck!!!...........hahA dEn afTer sErviCe wE wEnt DOTA dEn wE shufflEd thE grOup n dEn iTs likE Lin Jie, Meng Chye n Joel onE tEam dEn Nicholas, Hong Hwee n Me toGethEr wAh i dIe oNe is aLL KS siA lOl pEk chEk siA aLways nEarlY kiLL Lin Jie thE Morphin!!! 4-5 times thE sAME!!!.........aRhg!!!!!!!! haha xP!!