oOo laLA i hAd mY fiRst aFtErnOOn nAp tiS yEaR!!!cOOL riTe??? lOlxxhAIx toDae whOle dAy aT hoME wAtCh MTV PIMP MY RIDE niCe lArhs!!!dEn nitE tiME wAke uP wAtch KOREAN VCD auNt reNt de niCE siA!!!dEn noW oN cOm chAttiNg wIbb Hui Fang noRhshAHa lOlxx lAr tIs guRLsO fuNNy toKinG tO her hAhashMMm uPloAdEd friEndstEr pRofilE chEck iT out bUt nOthinG muCh chANgE loRhshAhas tAt aLL!!!
BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION FOR OMELLA FOO SER LIwEnt tO seNtoSa yTdwhEn tO yIshUn MAC eAt bReAkfasTdEn sAw CHARMINE dEn toGethEr gO dEn sAw ZHAN HONGdEN aT OCBC bAnk ouTsiDe wAiT dEn sAw REGINA, CHARIS, HWEETIN, sHeng yAngdEn aLL oBb uS wEnt tO mEet OMELLA! aT thE mRt...........hahA lOlxxaLL wEnt inTeRchANge aFteR tAt wAit foR BILLY tAT oLd sLow Giant lArhs fOr 1 hOur!!! Omg!dEn wHEn wE wErE wAitinG fOr bUs, a aH pEk oR DUMBO sAy JOEL dUmB cOx hE bLocKed thE gUy wAy bUt thE gUy dIdn't sAy eXcusE mE iNstEad jUx WaLk off n sAe DUMB wAt thE heLL?!!dEn aLL of uS sAe hIm bAck wE sAe DUMBO, DUMB-BeLL, DUMB-ASS n mAny moRe!!!when thE bUs cAme wE boArdeD thE bUs 855 tO Harborfront.............wHEn rEAcheD dErE iT wAs rAininG hEaviLy. SAD!!!wE wEnt to pAlAwAn bEacH n wAS rUnnIng fRom sHeltEr tO shEltEr.dEn i of thE shEltEr sUddEnly oVertuRnEd thEn tHE sUpeRwoman REGINA wAs diReCtlY iN frOnt oF tHe shEltEr dEn wE shOutEd "REGINA RUN!!!!" dEn sHe RAN aS fAsT aS sHe coUld n fELL oN thE sAnd...........dEn ZHAN HONG n I wAs likE bEsiDe thE shEltEr dEn wE juX SIAM oNE sIDe dEn wE aLL likE sAw thE whOle bLoodY fReAkinG dAngErouS aCcidEnt fOr REGINA laRhs.dEn shE bEach PatRol ppL sEnt REGINA to thE cLinIc fOr wOunD clEaninG. dEn sHE stiLL gEt tO sHowEr wiTh hOt cOoLinG bAth wHilE wE wErE aL sHivErinG laRhs!!!wE wErE aLL wEt n cOld dEn wE wEnT tO KOFU tO wAit fOr tHE rAin tO sEttLe dOwn. dEn tHE GIANT BILLY wAs lIke EATING lArh wTf riTe??? eNjoYing whilE wE wEre sHivErinG n wOrrIed hAhas lOlxaFtEr thE rAiN wE whEn tO sEt uP oUr sTuFF n cOOl dOWn.wE plAyeD cAptAin's baLL wiTh a vOlleybALL!!!wE plAyeD n buRieD ZHAN HONG wiTh sAnd oN hiS bAcK hE hAs bReAsT n sExy bUtt!!!BILLY n REGINA dUggEd a dEEp holE whIle YANG n mii dUggEd a dEeP n wiDe holE enD uP noThing wAs doNe cAnt buRieD OMELLA!!! aRgg!!!BILLY hAd a fiNGEr inJurEd.YANG hAd hIs lAst fingEr nAiL bRokEn buT..........iT wAs a sTraIghT n nEat oNe hAhas........aFteR tHe pLAyinG OMELLA pAinTed aLL ouR fAcE dEn i tOok tHE cHAncE tO pAinT hErs tOo hAha iTs wAs fUn n cOlouRfuL wE aLL hAd lolxx wE tooK pIcturEs oBB oUr fAces!!!aFtEr tAt aLL oBb uS wEnt tO bAthE dEn ZHAN HONG sHirT wAs colOurEd sO hE goRt nO sHiRt tO wEar LUCKILY, i bRouGht a shiRt dEn i lEnt tO ZHAN HONG tHE lEngTh wAs oK bUt tHE sElvE wAs shOrt. LOLs!OMELLA wanted togo vivocity so we accompanied her.but she wanted to do is go SUSHI TEI to find OWEN TAN ! cute hors she??!!!!! hahasden went to delifrance cause wanted to find dawn n cindy.then went to PASTAMANIA the girls all ate while boys slept dere den billy can't bear with it he went to order his too den they ate 2 BOTTLES OF CHEESE!!! siAo ritE??? hAhasBILLY kEpt thE fORk n kNife hAhas.........came back to yishun n took NEOPRINTS. all of us squeezed inside the small stuffy machine. LOLs!!dEn aLL tHE pICtuRes gAve tO thE BIRTHDAY GIRL OMELLA FOO SER LI !!!
then we went home n reached home abt 9pm. :DHAPPY BIRTHDAY OMELLA FOO!!!